Super Clear Zirconia Disc 98mm Multi-layer Zirconia Block for Dental Crown Material Compatible Open CAD CAM
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Our products are ceramic denture zirconia block,corresponding CADCAM equipment,3D printing equipment and other related oral products.As professional oral materials supplier,we can provide digital dental materials,dental equipment,dental software and full range of digital products and services.
YUCERA dental materials and equipment manufacturer pre-shade multilayer zirconia
YUCERA SHT multilayer zirconia block has super transluceny, multilayer color and excellent bending strength. This multilayer zirconia block is the best also valuable multilayer ziconia disc for your market following the trend and suitable for all CAD/CAM and manual system.
Our zirconia blocks/blanks are compatible with different brands of CAD/CAM system and manual system, such as Zircon system, sirona Inlab system, Kavo system, Amann Girrbach system, and Porland system, etc.
3D Multilayer Monolithic Zirconia Bank Dental Milling Machine Using Natural Color Transition, No Need Dyeing
zirconia blocksare made of nanometer medical grade zirconia powder. The powder are firstly compacted by cold isostaticpressing with high compressive strength and then pre-sintered to a certain degree to offer good machinability.
3D Multilayer zirconia blocks can be used to create crowns, bridges, inlays and veneers of fixed partial denture with different translucency levels and colors.